Member Mondays: Emily Weir

We’ll be featuring a YS member on the first Monday of every month! This month, meet Emily Weir.

How long have you been a member of Yoga Sanctuary?

I took yoga classes sporadically for about a decade. Since retirement, I practice several times a week.

What’s your favorite class/who’s your favorite teacher at YS?

I find classes by Lisa, Ellen, and Andrea most compatible with my body's abilities, and their thoughts/readings most nourishing to my brain and soul.

What do you love about YS?

I love the variety of approaches to yoga in the different teachers' styles, the teachers' deep and broad knowledge of human anatomy and the various yoga traditions, and the ways they encourage each yogi to do only what's right for them in that moment. No pressure. No competition here.

Why did you start taking classes here?

I wanted to take yoga more seriously, and I'd worked with Ellie in her other career (editing), and thought she'd be an encouraging teacher. She was and is!

What do you do for fun?

I like to sew quilts and clothing, kayak, read, and take long walks with friends. I'm a big "museum nerd," and love to see what's new at the region's art museums.

What’s your favorite (pick one! Animal, vegetable, kitchen appliance, season)?

My favorite season is summer -- I am finally warm when everyone else is complaining about the heat -- and my favorite place to be is by the ocean.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

I enjoy Warrior II's symbolism of standing in the present, gazing toward the future while supported by the past. The body shapes made in Aspiring Warrior, Half Moon, and Dancer Pose are particularly beautiful and feel good too.


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Hanuman, the heroic monkey god